Wednesday, July 28, 2010

just for me

Here I sit at the public library. In the adult section. Usually I am here with 3 children in tow and am lucky if I get through the children's section without a scene. But tonight is my night. It's been an "off day" and so I kissed my children and husband goodbye to head off for some alone time.

I thought about going shopping. Shopping is so theraputic, but only when I have money to spend. It is not theraputic when I walk around stores looking at things I cannot afford. Or worse, end up purchasing it on CC and then agonizing on how I will ever pay it off. So, no, I am not shopping tonight. I chose the only place in town that does not require money (expect for the $7 late fines I had to pay to clear my library account, just so I could use the computer).

I'm not sure why I needed a night to myself. Only that my patience has worn thin, and my poor children are have been the target of my misplaced frustrations.

I am here, having just made this blogger acount. I plan to do nothing to it to make it pretty or fun to read. I am to be the only reader. It will be full of grammar and typing errors. It will have no pictures or graphics. It will serve as an outlet. A place for my thoughts. A journal of sorts. Private yet, so very public. Why does that intrigue me? Maybe someday, somone will stumble across it. And that is fine. But also fine if no one ever does.

This one is just for me.

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