Thursday, August 12, 2010

don't scare me

For a brief moment today, I thought Sol was lost. I thought he was with Q and, he thought I knew Sol was outside. After we circled the house and could not find our 21 month old son, I started to panic. Turns out he was in his sister's room with the door shut.

I can't get that panic feeling out of my heart. My mind knows that he his safe, but part of me still has that panic inside. I suppose I always have a little of that inside me. That's what mother's do, we worry. I now appreciate or at least understand why my mother worried all the time. She made us wear bike helmets long before it was the norm. I have inhereted this from her. A gene that passed on to make me a worry stricken parent. I know I should relax but, I can't. The worry is part of me.

My children are everything. Without my family I would be lost. I get glimpses of what the love of Christ is like when I feel how much I love my children. The life giving kind of love.