I ruined Father's Day. Right from the get-go. Way to go, Whit. I'm pretty sure this will go down in record books as Q's worst father's day E.V.E.R.
I think it's because I'm such a lousy mother. If I could figure out how to parent better I might not have had a major melt-down at 6:30 this morning. The plan was to get up, take care of the kids, make breakfast, and let Q sleep in until he had to go to his Sunday morning meetings at church. I got up, but that was the only thing that went right. I was incapable of keeping Sol from literally kicking and screaming at me for 30 min straight which caused the mommy meltdown, I ATTEMPTED (amid sobbing) to make breakfast, and with all the racket going on in the next room Q did not get to sleep in.
I wanted it to be a great father's day, for an amazing father. Quinn is everything I could have hoped for in a father for my children. He shows and tells them he loves them, he teaches them, he plays with them, he is a great example of goodness for them, and I don't think any child on earth has a better father than my children do.