Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Just last week, I was driving in my beat up old van, with cracks in the windshield, torn window tint (courtesy of little people fingers), brakes that while are safe, squeak each time I stop, and an awesome screeching sound made every time I start my car.  I was wearing a brand new $8.99 shirt bought from Ross, with an old re-purposed pair of shorts, and sandals that are still cute, but have rips in the soles. In the back seat sat my sweet three year old boy.  Earlier, while Sol was at preschool, I had volunteered in my older children's classrooms at school.  I had the day off work and had just finished a lunch out with my husband (and pre-schooler) for the first time in a very long time.  We used coupons for free sandwiches to Great Harvest that our insurance agent gave us for our birthdays.

I have had similar days as this before.  So often on days like this, I dwell on the things I do not have.  I only see the imperfectness of my situation.  Sometimes it is hard to see the good in the moment.

But, on this day, as I was driving, I had an amazing sense of joy.  At that moment, no new car or expensive lunch or designer clothes could have made me any happier.  I felt completely content.

I am grateful for the Spirit impressing on my heart that day of the goodness of my life.  Reminding me that happiness is not derived from things or possessions, but on our ability to have gratitude in our hearts for all that God has given us and to love our family unfailingly.

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