Sunday, January 2, 2011

a new year

Today is January 2, 2011.

There is so much that I want to accomplish this year.  So much to learn, to do, to strive for, to repent of.  It always seems like the new year is a good time to set goals.  Some years I am able to accomplish all or at least most of my goals, and then some years...well let's just takes it's own course and goals have to be adjusted and modified to fit new circumstances.  None the less, goals are good to make and I think even better if you write them down.  Somehow the act of writing them down, makes them more real.

  • Become physically stronger.  I have never in my life been over weight (thank you Illingsworth genes!), but I have not always been strong or fit.  I want to be strong, I want my soft places to become firm, my heart to beat strongly and my lungs to breath deeply with out that horrible burning sensation when I exert myself.  And if by doing so I happen to look fabulous in a bathing suit...all the better.
  • Finish the pharmacy tech program and find a job in a pharmacy.
  • Become financially secure.  By that I mean that I want to have a plan how to live within a budget and have a plan to get out of debt.  I know that this is a process and will not happen over night.  I also know that we will never be rich, and that is ok.  I only want to be financially healthy.
  • Hawaii 4-0.  Ok, so this one is not practical and probably frivolous, but in some way, I feel it's necessary.  Q works so hard and never asks for much for himself, and this is something he really wants.  I want it too, so we will try our best to get there.
I look forward to the challenges these goals bring.  I look forward to sacrificing somethings so that we can fulfill these.  I think only through hard work and sacrifices can we really enjoy the blessings and accomplishments in life.

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