I am here. The world is still going round, and I am not the center of it. I suppose I knew it would, but sometimes I get caught up in what I am doing, not doing, missing, etc. I started my first day of school. And without me, Corbin and Eliza both had their first soccer games of the season (Eliza's being her first game of all time!). Quinn should get the soccer dad award with two soccer games with the players and a toddler in tow. He even brought the team snack. Without complaint. He really is an amazing father. I looked at the clock and sent a little good luck wish to each of them when then their games started, as I sat in a sterile classroom with 22 other students who were missing their own "soccer games".
The professor let us out early so I got to come home and spend the afternoon with my family! For that I am truly grateful.